Did you ever think about something you're doing and realize how much time in your life it takes? It's that reaction like "Wow.. I never knew it would take this much time" that I'm talking about. If I had realized just how involved I would get, or how much of my time this takes, I'm not sure I would have volunteered to do it way back when.
I've been doing this station management thing for a couple years now, and I have to say I feel pretty comfortable about it. It has taken a lot of time and effort on my part to first of all learn what I needed to do, then to actually do it. I haven't had much in the way of training, it's all self taught. I do however think that we've been relatively successful with our new station and we're preparing to expand it even further. Hmmmm, now there's an interesting thought for another post sometime, "What Defines Success".
Anyway, having said all that, I don't really regret the time I've spent doing this. It has given me something very tangible to work on in a time where there has been a dearth of other useful projects. I suppose you would classify this as a "labor of love" for me now. It has also brought me into contact with some incredibly wonderful people. I am thankful for my choices, and the path they have brought me down.
What are you choosing to spend your time on?
13 years ago