I don't know about you, but I often find it easy to get caught up in the details of everyday life. Now, I will be the first to admit that for me, those details are somewhat different than they probably are for most. I do, however, get so caught up in things that I suffer from tunnel vision at times.
Right about now, most of you are wondering what the heck the Lizard is spouting about now. Well, let me see if I can clarify.
I guess what I'm trying to get at is that I think one of the most important keys to happiness in life is about balance. When one moves too far in any one direction, things can become distorted and warped, our perceptions often blur. In a world where there is always something going on at every extreme of our life's reach, and where information overflow is the norm, and where we are constantly barraged by the media selling us "something", it takes a lot to just "be". To exist, at a relative state of peace, is precious, and yet that eludes most of us on a daily basis. I believe, that for the most part, its because we forget to maintain balance in our lives.
Many of us get caught up in what it takes to keep and maintain our jobs. Others delve deeply into hobbies and recreational activities. Some turn to alcohol and drugs either to get their pleasure or to escape their pain. We do everything we can think of to just cope, to try to just maintain some sense of order and peace in some aspect of our lives. And yet, so many of us fail to attain that sense of peace. Why do you imagine that is?
I think we lose track of our sense of balance in all things. We simply can't work all the time, nor can we play all the time. Moving to either of those extremes diminishes us as a whole person. It's unhealthy. We know it, but we do it anyway. And then, when everything comes crashing down around us someday, we wonder why we are so devastated.
I won't deny that making a living and achieving some sense of security for ourselves and our family is important. So is being happy. But how do we balance these two things?
I think for me, the way to remember to keep balance in my life is to remember first and foremost what's most important. Yes, sports fans, its not the latest and greatest technical whizzbang thing that I'm interested in. Nor is it that new web gadget thingy I wanna do for the radio station... nor is it the cool new technical toy that I just "gotta have"! Though those things all still interest me, it is the people in my life that are the most important to me. Maybe this is just something that comes with age, or maybe, as I'm sure some of you are thinking to yourselves, its just a matter of me finally "growing up", but I have reached a point in my life where I finally understand that it's the people in your life that are the true gifts you have to cherish.
What I need to remember is that its important to give the people in my life at least as much effort as I give to all the other things that are not so important. That means putting away the computer, turning off the TV, and spending "quality time" with those that make a difference. I don't do this often enough, but I'm learning...
I realized recently that my personal relationships are suffering because I have let things get out of balance. Determined not to make the same mistakes I have in the past, I vow to make things different from this point forward. I'm learning...
Recently, a good friend of mine has been away a lot. I haven't had much opportunity to talk to him nor spend time with him. He has been very busy doing just what I've said though. spending time helping another friend who really needs his help. I have lamented not being able to spend more time with him, however, I realize that he is setting an example for me, that I never expected. I'm learning... slowly... but learning nonetheless.
I have the great fortune to have fantastic friends and family in my life now. To be honest, I think I always have and in my own self involvement, have not valued them as much as they have deserved. To all those in the past that I have forsaken, in any way, from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry. I vow to not let that happen again. I am learning...
Hmm, maybe old dogs, can learn new tricks!
13 years ago
I can't say anything but ... DITTO. You have hit the nail on the head with me on this one boss. I think more people should sit back and look at what's important in their lives more often. Great blog, Thanks for sharing.
I'm sure you're right, Lizard Boss, and that was a really touching post ..no really..(whenever I say something like that people always give me 'old-fashioned' looks)..and it is so easy to become so obsessed with one aspect of your life that you neglect others. But balance is difficult to achieve, because often its a question of perspective. For example the guy who spends time with his wife four nights a week, spends one evening at the football and two evenings out with pals may think he has his life well and fairly balanced. SHE may well wonder why his pals still play such a large part in his life now he has her.. you can't always win. But relationships are worth the effort :)
Your last sentence reminded me of a rather cynical saying I heard once about the basic make up of human beings:-
"old dogs never learn new tricks - they just learn to piss on different trees." :)
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