New Years is the time for new beginnings, looking forward to the future and changing those things about youself that you'd like to change...
It's funny though how so many people go through life saying, "I need to do this.. or that..." and somehow never getting around to doing it. Well now is the time!
Pick your most pressing issue that you've been avoiding, figure out what the first step is in solving or resolving it, and take it. You'll be one step closer to making the change you want, and you'll feel good about yourself for making some progress!
Personally, I have some unfinished business with my daughters. This is my resolution this year.
So tell me... what will you do to change your life this year?
13 years ago
What I will do to change my life this year is....absolutely nothing. Now that's not a negative statement but one of benign satisfaction. I am over 60 - I will never play for England at football now, nor will I marry Nicole Kidman - so I'm just grateful for what I have. I don't believe in looking too far ahead - maybe I would have done so in my twenties - but now I don't. Things happen outside my established pattern for which I'm joining Hot Trax which came right out of the blue..and I add that to the bonuses of my life. I don't avoid things or issues any longer as maybe I once would. I have resolved not to worry too much about whether people like me or don't. I don't intend to spend long and usually useless periods of time trying to mend fences. I am grateful for the friends I have and for the things I am able to do. I sincerely hope that continues through 2009.
I actually appreciate that attitude Alex, and for the most part, I live it as well. But in this case, I do have some things that I need to take care of that I have been putting off. (I AM the worlds greatest procrastinator... LOL) Outside of that, my life is generally lived moment to moment now too.
Great post Boss... Alex that was very well said and congrats I hope I can say that one day. My plan for 2009 is simply to be a better person. To be kind and understanding. This year my oldest daughter will be graduating High School and going to college all in the same year, Hummmm funny how things of that sort make ya realize how much ya have missed. I hope that everyone has a very happy 2009...
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